10月 7, 2020


英国代写论文:联邦最低工资的争论。长期以来,联邦最低工资一直是美国公众和政策制定者广泛讨论的最具争议性的话题之一。联邦最低工资上一次修订是在2009年,从5.89美元每小时提高到7.25美元每小时(Dube, 2013)。与此同时,美国29个州以及哥伦比亚特区将其最低工资提高到了联邦最低工资水平之上,这是由于生产率、通货膨胀和生活成本等因素的增加(Thomas, 2017)。在这篇文章中,英国代写论文专家对这两方面进行了分析,以分析是否应该提高联邦最低工资水平。


支持提高最低工资的论据是基于《工资标准》(Rogers, 2017)中的公平理念。实施最低工资的主要目的是挽救工人不公平的报酬和保护他们的生活不贫穷(Rogers, 2017)。提高最低工资的支持者表明,在现有的联邦最低工资水平下,这两种意图都没有实现(Thomas, 2017)。原因包括低工资工人生产力的提高,生活成本的上升和通货膨胀的加剧。因此,他们要求将联邦最低工资水平提高到每小时9美元,这样美国大约3500万工人的收入就会增加,从而使他们摆脱贫困。基于这些论点(经济政策研究所,2017年),这将有助于经济,因为主要街道上的企业将受益于低收入工人的收入增长。


据那些反对提高最低工资的人说,它会导致失业,原因如下。最低工资的提高使得公司雇佣员工的成本降低。这反过来又会减少就业市场的新空缺,从而导致该国失业工人人数的增加。就业机会的丧失将对经济产生不利影响,因为该国的失业率已经很高(Hassett & Strain, 2013)。其次,那些长期遭受贫困的人可能没有全职工作。即使他们有工作,他们也不是家庭的主要收入来源,主要是青少年或有其他收入的人。因此,通过提高最低工资来减轻贫困的目标无法得到保证,需要替代政策来实现这一目标(Spielberg & Bernstein, 2017)。因此,反对者认为,提高最低工资的成本超过了它所能带来的好处,因此不应该提高联邦最低工资。

Arguments supporting the minimum wage hike

The arguments supporting the hike in minimum wages are based on the fairness concept in the standards of wage (Rogers, 2017). The main intention of the implementation of minimum wages is to save the workers from a remuneration that is not fair and to protect them from leading a poor life (Rogers, 2017). The supporters of the minimum wage hike show that with the existing federal minimum wage level, these two intentions are not achieved (Thomas, 2017). The reasons include the rise in the productivity of the low wage workers, the rise in cost of living and the increased inflation. Hence, they demand for a hike in the federal minimum wage level to $9 an hour so that the workers will be saved from poverty through the increased earnings for around 35 Million workers in the country. These will help the economy, since the businesses in the Main Street will be benefited through the rise in the earnings of the low wage workers, based on these arguments (Economic Policy Institute, 2017).

Arguments opposing the minimum wage hike

According to those who oppose the minimum wage hike increasing, it will lead to job losses due to the following reason. The hike in minimum wage makes it less affordable for the firms to hire employees. This, in turn, will reduce the new vacancies in the job market, thus leading to a rise in the number of unemployed workers in the country. The loss in employment opportunities will adversely affect the economy since the unemployment level is already high in the country (Hassett & Strain, 2013). Second, those who had been suffering from poverty for a long time might not be working full time. Even if they are working, they are not the primary earning members of households and mainly include teenagers or those with other income. Thus, the goal of poverty alleviation through minimum wage hike cannot be ensured and alternative policies are needed to achieve this goal (Spielberg & Bernstein, 2017). Thus, the opponents argue that the costs of rising minimum wage hike outweigh its perceived benefits and hence federal minimum wage should not be increased.





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